15h3 Rotate Mirror 2
(meta linear-colour-space: 1)
;; a variation of 15fe-rotate-mirror with wash added as a background
coords []
colours []
make-colour (col/build-procedural a: [0.394 0.056 0.377] ~ (gen/scalar)
b: [0.453 0.611 0.477] ~ (gen/scalar)
c: [0.587 0.435 0.449] ~ (gen/scalar)
d: [0.608 0.516 0.252] ~ (gen/scalar))
focalpoint (focal/build-point ~ (gen/select from: '(focal/build-point
position: [-68 ~ (gen/int min: -300 max: 300)
212 ~ (gen/int min: -300 max: 300)]
distance: 819 ~ (gen/int min: 300 max: 900)))
(fence (t num: 39 ~ (gen/int min: 5 max: 100))
p1 (interp/bezier t: t
coords: [[-249.550 -79.597] [194.782 -180.117] [21.536 106.905] [-82.513 153.607]] ~
(gen/2d min: -300 max: 300))
p2 (interp/bezier t: t
coords: [[90.069 -189.886] [-84.464 59.473] [144.670 -74.757] [182.469 159.561]] ~
(gen/2d min: -300 max: 300))
c1 (col/value from: make-colour t: (focal/value from: focalpoint position: p1))
c2 (col/value from: make-colour t: (focal/value from: focalpoint position: p2)))
(++ coords p1)
(++ coords p2)
(++ colours c1)
(++ colours c2))
(wash colour: (col/rgb r: 0.932 g: 0.422 b: 0.096 alpha: 0.204) ~ (gen/col))
(translate vector: [(/ canvas/width 2) (/ canvas/height 2)])
(scale scalar: 1.602 ~ (gen/scalar min: 0.8 max: 2))
(rotate angle: 167.393 ~ (gen/scalar min: 0 max: 360))
(repeat/rotate-mirrored fn: (address-of draw)
copies: 25 ~ (gen/int min: 1 max: 30)))
(fn (draw)
(poly coords: coords colours: colours))
(fn (wash vol: 200
line-width: 70
line-segments: 5
colour: (col/rgb r: 0.627 g: 0.627 b: 0.627 alpha: 0.4)
seed: 272)
w/3 (/ canvas/width 3)
h/3 (/ canvas/height 3))
(loop (d from: -20 to: 1020 inc: 20)
(bezier tessellation: line-segments
line-width: line-width
coords: [[0 (wash-n x: 0 d: d seed: seed vol: vol)]
[w/3 (wash-n x: w/3 d: d seed: seed vol: vol)]
[(* w/3 2) (wash-n x: (* w/3 2) d: d seed: seed vol: vol)]
[canvas/width (wash-n x: canvas/width d: d seed: seed vol: vol)]]
colour: colour)
(bezier tessellation: line-segments
line-width: line-width
coords: [[(wash-n x: 0 d: d seed: seed vol: vol) 0]
[(wash-n x: h/3 d: d seed: seed vol: vol) h/3]
[(wash-n x: (* h/3 2) d: d seed: seed vol: vol) (* h/3 2)]
[(wash-n x: canvas/height d: d seed: seed vol: vol) canvas/height]]
colour: colour)))
(fn (wash-n x: 0 d: 0 seed: 0 vol: 1)
(+ d (* vol (prng/perlin x: x y: d z: seed))))