160c Schotter

Based on Schotter by Georg Nees (23 June 1926 - 3 January 2016)

(meta linear-colour-space: 1)


  num-squares-to-render 25 ~ (gen/int min: 14 max: 40)
  gap-size 2 ~ (gen/int min: 0 max: 10)
  num-squares (+ 2 num-squares-to-render)
  num-gaps (+ num-squares 1)
  square-size (/ (- canvas/width (* gap-size num-gaps)) num-squares)
  focal-point (focal/build-hline ~ (gen/select from: '(focal/build-point
                                 position: [500 ~ (gen/select from: '(0 500 1000))
                                              0 ~ (gen/select from: '(0 500 1000))]
                                 distance: 1300 ~ (gen/scalar min: 300 max: 1300))
  rng-fn (prng/build min: -1 max: 1 seed: 454)
  box-colour (col/rgb r: 0.2 g: 0.2 b: 0.2 alpha: 0.7))

(fn (stroked-box seed: 0
                 volatility: 0)
    half-size+ (/ square-size 2)
    half-size- (* half-size+ -1)
    thickness 1.2 ~ (gen/scalar min: 0.9 max: 3.0)
    half-thickness (/ thickness 2))

    ;; displace the box according to volatility
   (rotate angle: (* (prng/value from: rng-fn) volatility 135.923 ~ (gen/scalar min: 0 max: 200)))
   (translate vector: [(* (prng/value from: rng-fn) volatility 1.826 ~ (gen/scalar min: 0 max: 100))
                       (* (prng/value from: rng-fn) volatility 29.980 ~ (gen/scalar min: 0 max: 100))])
    ;; draw a box around the origin
    (line from: [(+ half-size- half-thickness) half-size-]
          to: [(- half-size+ half-thickness) half-size-]
          width: thickness
          colour: box-colour)
    (line from: [half-size+ (- half-size- half-thickness)]
          to: [half-size+ (+ half-size+ half-thickness)]
          width: thickness
          colour: box-colour)
    (line from: [(- half-size+ half-thickness) half-size+]
          to: [(+ half-size- half-thickness) half-size+]
          width: thickness
          colour: box-colour)
    (line from: [half-size- (+ half-size+ half-thickness)]
          to: [half-size- (- half-size- half-thickness)]
          width: thickness
          colour: box-colour)))

(fn (map-to-position at: 0)
  (- (+ (* (+ gap-size square-size) at) (/ square-size 2) gap-size)
     (/ canvas/height 2)))

(fn (render-main)
    x-sub 7 ~ (gen/int min: 1 max: 8)
    y-sub 1 ~ (gen/int min: 1 max: 8))
    (translate vector: [(/ canvas/width 2) (/ canvas/height 2)])
    (loop (y from: y-sub to: (- num-squares y-sub))
      (loop (x from: x-sub to: (- num-squares x-sub))
          position [(map-to-position at: x) (map-to-position at: y)])
          (translate vector: position)
          (stroked-box seed: (+ x (* y num-squares))
                       volatility: (focal/value from: focal-point position: position)))))))

(fn (render-background colour: (col/rgb r: 1 g: 1 b: 0.9))
  (rect position: [(/ canvas/width 2) (/ canvas/height 2)]
        width: canvas/width
        height: canvas/height
        colour: colour))